5 Tips To Keep Your Keys Safe
How many keys do you have on your key ring? The average person carries several. We have to unlock our homes, cars, safes, garages, office doors and a number of other things throughout the day. Imagine how frustrated or frightened you'd be if your keys were lost or stolen. Unfortunately, it happens every day, and in some cases, it puts people's homes and cars at risk for theft. If you want to keep your house, car and belongings safe, here are five tips to help you secure your keys no matter where you are.
Limit the Number of Spare Keys You Have
The more copies you have of your keys, the greater the potential to misplace one of them. Limit the number of spare keys to one or two extra per auto or door. Leave a spare with a trusted friend or family member who won't mind bringing them to you in an emergency.
Secure Your Spare Keys in Your Wallet
If you prefer to keep a spare key in your wallet, make sure it's secured in a spare key holder inside the wallet. Alternatively, you can secure your spare keys in any wallet by creating a key holder using two gift cards. Tape the spare key to the inside of one card, and then tape the two cards together. This will prevent the keys from slipping and sliding when you access other items in your wallet.
Remove Your Car Keys from the Ignition
It's not unusual to see someone pumping gas or running into the convenience store for some snacks, leaving their car keys in the ignition. Even if you only leave your car for a minute, that is just enough time for someone to open your door and steal your vehicle, leaving you stranded and vulnerable. It also makes it easier for you to lock your keys in the car. Then you'll be in need of specialists from places like Big Red Locksmiths. Any time you get out of your car—even if you'll just be a minute or two—take your keys with you.
Put Your Keys Away at Work
Where are your keys when you're on the job? If you work in an office, you may have a habit of leaving your keys on your desk all day so they'll be ready to go come quitting time. But leaving your keys exposed is dangerous. Someone could easily snatch your keys off your desk and make copies without your knowledge.
And it may surprise you to know that the keys don't have to be removed from your desk at all. New digital technology allows people to get copies of keys by simply snapping photos of both sides of the key and submitting them for duplication.
Keep Your Keys Secured at Home
Just because you're home, that doesn't mean that your keys are safe. Burglars know to look for keys near the doors. Most people leave a spare house key outside under a potted plant or doormat, and that's one of the first places a thief will look. If you must hide a key outside, choose an inconspicuous location, such as a knot in a tree or inside a lawn ornament.
Your keys aren't necessarily safe inside your home, either. Do you have a key holder right by your door? It's convenient for you to grab your keys on the way out, but it's also convenient for a burglar to break through the door glass and take them. Keep your keys in your bedroom or another interior room away from doors and windows.
Knowing where your keys are is important. Limit the number of copies, keep your spares in secure locations, and always be mindful of where you're placing your keys. You don't want them to fall into the wrong hands.