What Mistakes Are You Making In The Eviction Process?
As a landlord, you will have to make a number of tough decisions. One of those is whether or not to evict a tenant. If you do decide to move forward with the eviction, you cannot simply tell the tenant that he or she has to vacate the property by a certain date. There are certain steps you have to take. One mistake could mean you have to restart the process. If you are planning to evict a tenant, here are some of the mistakes to avoid.
Failing to Justify the Reason for the Eviction
Although you own the property, eviction laws will not allow you to simply kick out a tenant just because you want to. The tenant could fight the eviction. If the court sides with the tenant, he or she could be allowed to continue to live in your rental property until the lease expires.
To avoid this, you need to have a solid reason for evicting the tenant. You also need evidence to back upo your claims. For instance, if you are evicting the tenant for repeated disturbances that resulted in the need for police, you need to provide copies of the police reports from each incident with your eviction filing.
Improperly Notifying the Tenant of the Eviction
Each state has laws that dictate how an eviction notification must be handled. For instance, some states require that you give the tenant a three-day notice that you will be filing for an eviction before you can actually file. In states, such as Massachusetts, the notice has to be provided at least 14 days before you file. If you do not file the notification, the eviction could be delayed.
Depending on the state in which you live, how the notice is delivered is important, too. For instance, your state might require that the notice be hand delivered to the leaseholder or posted on the inside of the door. Check your state's laws to determine the requirements.
Going Through the Process Alone
The eviction process might seem straightforward, but there are some curves that could lead to significant delays. To prevent this from happening to you, consider working with an eviction service. The service will handle the process from beginning to end.
Not only will the service work to avoid delays, they could potentially negotiate with the tenant to get him or her to clear the property sooner rather than later. This allows you a chance to get your rental property cleaned and back on the market. Talk with a provider like San Diego Evictions for more help.