How To Hire A Real Estate Agent As A Single Buyer
Buying a home is tricky enough, but being a single buyer can make it even trickier. This is why you need to find a real estate agent that is able to adjust to your individual needs.
Interviewing Agents
Surprisingly, most people do not know that they can interview real estate agents. By interviewing with real estate agent services, you can make sure to find the right person for you and for the right cost. Most agencies do not pay their agents on salary, rather on commission. This can make some agents seen a bit more pushy when trying to sell you a property. Also know that all real estate fees are negotiable, so you can always try to get the best deal. It is good to keep this in mind when interviewing.
A couple of other things to ask when interviewing a real estate agent include:
How long they have been in real estate?: Having experience in the business always helps, but there is nothing wrong with newer agents.
What is their best marketing plan for your needs?: An agent should be able to tell how they plan to search for your ideal home and everything you need to know about buying.
What is their average "List Price to Sales Price" ratio?: This usually depends on the state of the market. However, a good agent should have a ratio close to 100%. This means they are able to negotiate sales prices close to list prices.
Can they provide you forms before you are asked to sign?: A good real estate agent will make sure to provide you with all the necessary documents before signing. This way, you have a chance to review the documents and possibly run them by a lawyer.
How much do they charge?: As discussed above, most real estate agents are paid in commission. They usually get a certain percentage of the sale, anywhere between 1% to 4%.
How to Choose a Real Estate Agent
After interviewing several real estate agents, such as from Northwood Holmes Real Estate, the only thing left to do is to pick one. It is best to know what you are looking for in an agent before reviewing all the agents' interviews. Remember that you can negotiate real estate fees for your best interest. Once you have your standard, you can pick the best out of the bunch. Then you are on your way to getting your dream property.