What Features You Must Look For In Your Very First Apartment

Are you starting to look for your own place to live and have decided that you want your own apartment for the first time? If so, it will help to know what features you should be looking for when getting a 2 bedroom apartment to ensure that it is a good one. 

Gated Entry

One thing that may be a big concern to you is security. Some apartment buildings allow you to walk right into the building, and strangers can go right up to your main door, while other may requires call box where they must be buzzed in. Some apartment buildings take it a step further, where the entry to a courtyard is gated off as well, giving you a common area in front of the apartment building where others do not have access to. 

It's important that you have some sort of gated entry to the apartment building for a couple of reasons. The main reason is to know that everyone in the building is something that lives there. While it is possible for people to sneak into an apartment building, a gated entry system of some sort is going to prevent a lot of unwanted people from being there. 

Having gated entry is also going to ensure that delivered packages are secure. They are not going to just sit outside a door all day long where someone can grab them and go, which may be important to you if you do a lot of online shopping. 


Always look at how much storage an apartment building offers you as a tenant. This is not always made clear when you look at an apartment listing, but open up the closets and see how much room there is. Many apartment buildings also have some sort of storage area where you'll be given a locker. Make sure that you check out the locker to see how big it is. Is it a place where you can store your bike in the winter, or are you going to be forced to look at it in your living room all winter long? This can make a big difference with how much free space you have. 


You won't realize how much laundry you do until you have to go somewhere else to do it. Always check out the laundry facility on site to see if it will meet your needs. A bigger building should have more units as well, which will be a huge perk with helping you get laundry done faster by using more than one washer and dryer.
